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..............2020年 新春快乐!




大爱无言!(作者 和田玉 / 译文 东方晨曦)  

2014-11-17 11:51:00|  分类: 朋友往来 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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《今晚,我喝了一大杯酒!》(转) - 东方晨曦 -










       傍晚,竹林听雨发回电讯:平安! 堆在胸口的石山轰然撤走,轻松释然!悬在云层的那颗焦虑的心也回归大地,回归我自己。对着手机,我竟然无言表述!还是竹林听雨在电波的那一端提醒:“激动地不知说什么好了?!”我才感觉得此时此刻真得想不起合适的语句表达心情!电波那一端她在嬉笑地调侃我:“文科的才女竟然忘了形容词啦!”我还真得有些尴尬,关键时刻竟然不知道说什么了!












                                  What a silent love!




Tonight, I drank a mug of wine!


Originally, I did not drink. But tonight I drank a mug of wine! A large glass of dry white wine with the brand of Great Wall! Just for that I can free myself from worries; just for the safety of my friend far away; for my promise; for my best wishes!


My good friend zhulintingyu was going to complete an important mission today. I anxiously and restless sat in my electronic reading room but unable to properly review the materials. Telephone on my desk was turned on all the time so that I could send my solicitudes to my friend through electric waves and my bioelectric.

傍晚,竹林听雨发回电讯:平安! 堆在胸口的石山轰然撤走,轻松释然!悬在云层的那颗焦虑的心也回归大地,回归我自己。对着手机,我竟然无言表述!还是竹林听雨在电波的那一端提醒:“激动地不知说什么好了?!”我才感觉得此时此刻真得想不起合适的语句表达心情!电波那一端竹林听雨在嬉笑地调侃我:“文科的才女竟然忘了形容词啦!”我还真得有些尴尬,关键时刻竟然不知道说什么了!

At dusk, my good friend gave me a call telling me that he was safe. Worries like a rock mountain suffocated me so much rolled away at a sudden so that I felt totally relieved and relaxed! My heart full of anxiety hanging on clouds finally landed and came back to myself. I even could not find a word to express my feelings, my friend reminded me by saying: “Are you too excited to say something?” At that moment, I found myself could not find a suitable sentence to express my feelings. My friend at the other end electronic wave laughingly ridicules me: “A wit of liberal arts even can not find words to express his feeling!” I was really embarrassed that I did not know what to say at the critical moment!


What a silent love!



                                                                                                       By Hetian jade


                                                                                                         April 10, 2008






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